Hydrography is devoted to study the shape and depth of the seabed in different places of interest such as ports, paths of underwater pipelines, rivers, estuaries and marine areas.

Oceanography studies the behavior of waves, currents and wind in coastal areas in order to model and predict the hydrodynamic behavior of these variables in order to estimate the effect of  artificial structures at coastal zone in order to properly and safely design these structures  to produce a minimum alteration of the marine environment.

In recent years, Skyring Marine has gained experience in Marine bathymetric surveys in various coastal areas of Chile, in particular in Puerto de Coronel, where different types of bathymetric surveys have been conducted in all the terminals of the port.

In particular, periodic bathymetry have been conducted in the south pier in order to monitor the capital dredging carried out, providing valuable information to the hopper suction dredge "Ernesto Pinto" to achieve the depth required by this port.
These surveys have been conducted by a hydrographic echosounder digital and satellite positioning systems with real-time differential correction to meet official regulations according to IHO criteria, and using virtual correction bases for those exploratory surveys and where the installation of a base present complications.

Also, the staff of the company has developed skills in
providing positioning support during the installation of anchor and mooring systems thoughout the country.

In late 2011, Skyring Marine has purchased a ultra high resolution multibeam echosounder with the latest technology for high precision surveying and extension,  putting itself to a level where very few companies in Latin America are able to reach.


Experience and a brief description of some of the projects involved:



· Batimetría de precisión de Muelle Sur. Puerto de Coronel. Abril 2012.

· Rebúsqueda de avioneta de Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil de Panamá. Darien, Abril 2012.

· Operación Loreto I y II. Rebúsqueda y localización de restos de aeronave CASA C212 Juan Fernández. Septiembre 2011.

· Batimetrías de control de Dragado Muelle Sur. Puerto de Coronel. Abril 2010 a Abril 2012.

· Posicionamiento de Anclas y boyas Terminal Marítimo Abastible, San Vicente. Ultratug, Mayo 2011.

· Batimetría de precisión de Terminal Granelero. Puerto de Coronel. Marzo 2010.

· Rebúsqueda de avioneta siniestrada en Lago Villarrica. Mayo 2010.

Contact info:

Prat 725 of. 408



p. +56(32)2214212

f. +56(32)2592992

m. +56(99)2755509


Teléfono: +56(32)2214212

Mobil: +56(99)2755509

Fax: +56(32)2592992

Correo: info@skyringmarine.cl